Questions and Answers regarding improving the world

Remember, if enough people start believing that we can create the world without wars, inequalities, health and aging problems, evil superintelligence, etc., we can do it... it's only the matter of time, money, some luck... And if they tell you it's impossible, use math to show them that any impossibility is rather improbable, simply smile to them, start (keep) improving the world... and ask them to join, because... We have only one of them, so it's important to care for it and improve it the way we can.

Answers from people in the front line of improving the world.

Questions and Answers regarding
Superintelligence Problem

Can we create "Friendly SuperIntelligence" in next 50 years?
Can we create Artificial General Intelligence?
Where is the limit?
How can we do it?
What is the most important?

Yes we can. Yes. There is no limit.

read more from about Friendly Superintelligence Problem

Questions and Answers regarding
Health and Aging Problem

Can we stop "dying because of old age" in next 50 years?
Can we live 100 years in good health?
Where is the limit?
How can we do it?
What is the most important?

Yes we can. Yes. There is no limit.

read more from about Health and Aging Problem

Questions and Answers regarding

Can we create a better World for every living creature in next 50 years?
Can we stop polluting the World?
Where is the limit?
How can we do it?
What is the most important?

Yes we can. Yes. There is no limit.

read more from about Inhuman Problem

Questions and Answers regarding
War / Peace Problem

Can we create the World without wars in next 50 years?
Can the whole planet live one day in peace?
Where is the limit?
How can we do it?
What is the most important?

Yes we can. Yes. There is no limit.

read more from about War / Peace Problem

Questions and Answers regarding
(In)Equality Problem

Can we create the World without inequality in next 50 years?
Can we create the World where everybody has 'enough' for good living?
Where is the limit?
How can we do it?
What is the most important?

Yes we can. Yes. There is no limit.

read more from about (In)Equality Problem

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