Inhuman Problem

if enough people start believing that we can create the world without wars, inequalities, health and aging problems, evil superintelligence, etc., we can do it...

The problem and the goal

    The problem is that there is a lot of problems that don't regard people per se, because people are not the only living creatures in the Universe and it's important to work out these problems too.

    The goal is to help animals, plants, etc. not to get extinct because of human' way of living.

Ways to achieve the goal

    To achieve the goal we always have to look at different aspects: science and technology, society, governments, etc..

    There are several ways to help achieving that goal: local events like panel discussions, The Week, etc...

Universal Week

    The Week is a special time to celebrate what we've done, think about what we have to do, engage and inform society about it... And everybody can join...

    The week happens: 22-30.04. (more info)

Read more about inhuman problem

Can we create a better World for every living creature in next 50 years?
Can we stop polluting the World as much as we do?
Where is the limit?

    Universal Problem... - where do we stand, where can we go, how fast can we get there, why aren't we there yet, how can we get there, and do we really want to go there?


    Here you have an essay about searching for better living for every living creature. You can find here some information, some ideas, some philosophical (or semi-philosophical) thoughts, etc..
    So let's start with something simple...
    People live... people expand... people pollute...
    But what if it didn't have to be like that? What if...?
    And that's where the questions start... and there's where we start...

more info

    So at first, if you want to know the basics regarding inhuman problems, you might want to read these articles from Wikipedia:

- Universe
- Earth
- Natural Environment
- Ecology
- Human impact on the environment
- List of environmental topics
- List of environmental issues
- List of environmental disasters
- Environmentalism
- Environmental movement
- Environmental skepticisim
- Anti-evironmentalism
- Environmental killings
- Animal rights
- Endengered species
- Timeline of the near future
- Timeline of the far future
- Multiverse

and for the end:

- World Charter for Nature
- Earth Charter
- 'Harmony with nature' proposal
- Earth Day - let's celebrate it properly
    More info soon...

    And that's it. Article is still in progress and more info will come soon. Now you know a bit more (probably) about inhuman problem...
    So, once again, what do you think about this question:

Can we create a better World for every living creature in next 50 years?

    Share your thoughts regarding this questions with others.
    And if you want to find out more about research regarding Earth, Universe, ways to live in harmony with nature and to find out what other people think in the matter, go to the Panel Discussion (or prepare one), read, ask scientists or do whatever you do when you want to get an answer to the question you find interesting.

improve the world .:. q+a .:. health and aging .:. superintelligence .:. war / peace .:. (in)equality .:. inhuman problem .:. about .:. the weeks .:. panels .:. aworlds .:. challenge .:. funds .:. contact