(In)Equality Problem

if enough people start believing that we can create the world without wars, inequalities, health and aging problems, evil superintelligence, etc., we can do it...

The problem and the goal

    The problem is that in some countries there are some people who are priviliged and there is a lot of others who, well, are not.

    The goal is to find a way to improve the world so there were not such huge disproportions between rich and poor. The sollution to this problem is not making everybody equal, but it's, at least, making everybody to have 'enough' for good living (enough food, clean water, access to doctors, schools, etc.).

Ways to achieve the goal

    To achieve the goal we always have to look at different aspects: science and technology, society, governments, etc..

    There are several ways to help achieving that goal: local events like panel discussions, The Week, etc...

Equality Week

    The Week is a special time to celebrate what we've done, think about what we have to do, engage and inform society about it... And everybody can join...

    The week happens: 1-8.04. (more info)

Read more about in(equality) problem

Can we create the World without inequality in next 50 years?
Can we create the World where everybody has 'enough' for good living?
Where is the limit?

article in progress

    World without inequality... - where do we stand, where can we go, how fast can we get there, why aren't we there yet, how can we get there, and do we really want to go there?


    Here you have couple of words about searching for world without inequality. You can find here some information, some ideas, some philosophical (or semi-philosophical) thoughts, etc..
    So let's start with something simple...
    People live... people collect... people protect what they collected...

    Right now, there is already more than 2200 bilionaires in the world. In total, they have more than 9.1 trillion USD (9 100 000 000 000 USD). According to Oxfam, the richest 8 of them have more than the poorest 50% of all people around the world have (press release from 2017-01-16).

    But what if it didn't have to be like that? What if...?
    And that's where the questions start... and there's where we start...

where do we stand?

    So at first, if you want to know the basics regarding inequalities, you might want to read these articles from Wikipedia:

- Inequality
- International inequality
- Economic inequality
- Social inequality
- Educational inequality
- Educational equity
- Health equity
- Mental health inequality
- Gender inequality
- List of countries by income equality
- Distribution of wealth
- List of countries by distribution of wealth
- List of countries by percentage of populatoin living in poverty
- Human Development Index
- List of countreis by Human Development Index
- List of countries by inequality adjusted Human Development Index

and for the end:

- Equality
- Social equality

where can we go?

    So, there is a lot to think about. There are always two ways of thinking about the problem. One is to make rich people pay for the poor (bigger taxes), and another one is to help poor people earn more.
    The first way might seem easier for some less rich people, but it actually might not be, because it's the richest who have most influence on the world, and the richest would have to decide on their own to give away their money to the poor. So the maybe better is not to think how to make rich people poorer (new taxes, etc.), but how to make poor people richer.
    More info soon...

    And that's it for now. This article is still in progress and more info will come soon. Now you know a bit more (probably) about (in)equalities...
    So, once again, what do you think about this question:

Can we create World without inequalities in next 50 years?

    Share your thoughts regarding this questions with others.
    And if you want to find out more about research regarding equality and inequalities and to find out what other people think in the matter, go to the Panel Discussion (or prepare one), read, ask scientists or do whatever you do when you want to get an answer to the question you find interesting.

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