The rule of 33 and the 33 day challenge

for peace, equality, and better world for every living creature

if enough people start believing that we can create the world without wars, inequalities, health and aging problems, evil superintelligence, etc., we can do it...

    Beside that big thinking about influencing world’ politics, here is (maybe a little naive, but still) a way to start making more peace and equality for all humans and every living creature in the World in the world.

    Start with simple question to people you meet:

Would you like to live in the world without wars, only with peace?

Would you like to live in the world without inequalities, only with equality?

Would you like to live in the world without pollution, etc., and only with healthy air and better for every living creature?

Watch video and read more about the 33-day Challenge

    People will probably say: “it’s impossible”, “it’s wishful thinking”, etc., but don’t get discouraged. Just ask for a simple answer.

    They might go with: “I would like it, just like I’d like to fly, go to the Mars or win in a lottery”.

    It’s because for some it’s really hard to believe it’s possible. And there is a good reason for that - because it’s kind of hard to create that world without wars, inequalities, etc., but we have to start somewhere and we can start/join the cause today with simple statement that we would actually like it.

    You may tell the people you ask that if they decide they would like a world like this, there would be at least two of you (twice as more as there were before they’ve joined you), and ask them if they could try finding one more person to answer the question as you will also try to do it.

    And you can show them the math and a rule of 33 and a 33 day challenge, that goes like this:

The rule of 33

Day 1) 1 + 1 = 2 (and now there is two of you)
Day 2) 2 * 2 = 4 (and if both of you ask one more person each to join, there is 4)
Day 3) 4 * 2 = 8
Day 4) 8 * 2 = 16
Day 5) 16 * 2 = 32
Day 6) 32 * 2 = 64
Day 7) 64 * 2 = 128
Day 8) 128 * 2 = 256
Day 9) 256 * 2 = 512
Day 10) 512 * 2 = 1 024 (around 1 000)
Day 11) 1 000 * 2 = 2 000
Day 12) 2 000 * 2 = 4 000
Day 13) 4 000 * 2 = 8 000
Day 14) 8 000 * 2 = 16 000
Day 15) 16 000 * 2 = 32 000
Day 16) 32 000 * 2 = 64 000
Day 17) 64 000 * 2 = 128 000
Day 18) 128 000 * 2 = 256 000
Day 19) 256 000 * 2 = 512 000
Day 20) 512 000 * 2 = 1 024 000 (around 1 million)
Day 21) 1 000 000 * 2 = 2 000 000
Day 22) 2 000 000 * 2 = 4 000 000
Day 23) 4 000 000 * 2 = 8 000 000
Day 24) 8 000 000 * 2 = 16 000 000
Day 25) 16 000 000 * 2 = 32 000 000
Day 26) 32 000 000 * 2 = 64 000 000
Day 27) 64 000 000 * 2 = 128 000 000
Day 28) 128 000 000 * 2 = 256 000 000
Day 29) 256 000 000 * 2 = 512 000 000
Day 30) 512 000 000 * 2 = 1 024 000 000 (around 1 billion)
Day 31) 1 000 000 000 * 2 = 2 000 000 000
Day 32) 2 000 000 000 * 2 = 4 000 000 000
Day 33) 4 000 000 000 * 2 = 8 000 000 000 (and that is more than there is people on Earth)

    And that is the rule of 33.

    This means that You would have to convince only 33 people to join your cause to actually make a huge difference in the world. Oh yes, and of course every one of them would have to convince (only) 33 other people. And that is the first step.

    And you could make a challenge of it. It would be the one month challenge.

The one month (the 33 day) challenge

    Convince only 1 new person a day for the next month to join your cause of making the world a better place without wars, inequalities, etc. And convince that person to join the challenge for his/her 33 days.

    And you will only be two days before the world peace (well, not exactly, but for the sake of this challenge, let’s say you will).

    Then, convince another two more people for the next two days (assuming a month is 31 days) and conclude your 33 day challenge.

    And thus - change the world!

    And that’s it.

    And now, the exact 33-day Challenge Rules

33-day Challenge Rules

    To sum up the rules of the 33-day challenge, one could say that there are only 3 rules.
Rule 1. Everyone can be convinced to the cause only once.
Rule 2. To succeed in the challenge, you have to convince to your cause 33 new people in no more than 33 days.
Rule 3. You can try do the challenge as many times as you want!

    So, what do these rules mean?
    Rule 1. Everyone can be convinced to the cause only once.
    This means that for the purpose of this challenge, if someone asks you to join the cause, you can accept it only once.
    It doesn't mean that you have to finish the challenge to find 33 people, just that you want the world to be improved in a given area (peace, equality, better place for every living creature) and will try to make this world a better place, will try to convince 33 more people to it.
    And if another person asks you to join the same cause, you have to say that you are already in the game.
    If not for this, 33 people could be convincing themselves for their whole lives without ever reaching to anyone outside of their social group. And that could be very unproductive.

    Rule 2. To succeed in the challenge, you have to convince to your cause 33 new people in no more than 33 days.
    This means that to succeed, you have to convince to your cause only 33 people who weren't previously convinced by anyone else taking the challenge.
    And you have maximum 33 days to finish the challenge. But, of course, if you can do it faster, you are allowed to do it as fast as you can. After all, in this situation - the faster the better for the world.
    The causes are:
- making the world a peaceful place without wars,
- making the world a place without inequalities,
- making the world a better place for every living creature.
    The person is considered convinced if declares that wants the world to be changed and will try to make this world a better place, will try to find 33 more people to join.
    The convinced person doesn't need to finish the challenge, but if does, you get credit for it, and the world has a better chance to be actually improved in the aspect you find important.
    To be sure that you have succeeded, you should have a list with names / pseudonyms of people that joined the challenge thanks to you and you should keep track of the number of people they succeeded in convincing.

    Rule 3. You can accept the challenge only once, but may try as many times as you want!
    It means that the moment you accept the challenge you are in the game. If you succeed in less than 33 days, it's awesome. But if you won't, you can retake it as many times as you want.

    And these are the rules.
    There are also two more things regarding these rules. These two are not rules per se, but they are as important.
    The first thing is: You can't cheat!
    In simple words - it means: no cheating!
    In other words, it means that you are not allowed to cheat.
    And to make it more understandable, one could say that cheating is forbidden.
    After all, there is nothing to win in this challenge beside the better world for everyone. And We can't succeed in this challenge if we cheat.

    The second thing is: Have fun while doing this!
    In simple words - it means: have fun!
    In other words, it means that you should feel good because of joining the challenge, because you are doing something great for the world.
    And to make it more understandable, one could say that having fun is almost obligatory.
    After all, there is not much to win in this challenge beside the better world for everyone. And that better world means more happy people. And We can't succeed in this challenge if people won't be happy.

    And that's it.
    So now. What do you get if you actually succeed beside the satisfaction and better world?
    Well, nothing much, but maybe you'll like it.
    If you succeed, you get to download and use a digital copy of a '33-Day Challenge Finisher' picture from the site: I told you, it's not much.
    Everyone who gets 33 people in 33 days can have this picture.
    But you should know that this reward can have 2 stars.
    At first you get 'one-star reward', that symbolises 33 people you convinced.
    You get the 'second star' after all of the 33 people you convinced to the cause, joined the challenge, and also convinced 33 new people.
    And that's it about the challenge itself.

What next? The work to be done the day after.

    So yes - it could take only one month, but is it possible/probable that it could actually impact the world? Well, we need to figure out some other things to make it more probable.

    For example, there is a lot of points of views that need to be considered, because different people would like peace, equality, universal happines, on their terms.

    Some may want to hold on to their land or get back their lands or hold on to their money or get more money so they had at least as much as their neighbors, etc. And there is this whole process.

    That is where we start with our questions:
- how could we do it,
- what would have to change,
- what could you change,
- etc.

    It won’t be easy, but still - remember, you only need to reach 33 people. They just need to reach 33 other people each, etc.

    Wish you/us all the best, and let’s hope there will be time when the peace will come for everyone.

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