Inhuman Problem

if enough people start believing that we can create the world without wars, inequalities, health and aging problems, evil superintelligence, etc., we can do it...

Universal Week

    The problem is that there is a lot of problems that don't regard people per se, because people are not the only living creatures in the Universe and it's important to work out these problems too. The goal is to help animals, plants, etc. not to get extinct because of human' way of living. To achieve the goal we always have to look at different aspects: science and technology, society, governments, etc. There are several ways to help achieving that goal: local events like panel discussions, conferences, The Week...

The week happens: 22-30.04

About the week

    The Week is a special time to celebrate what we've done, think about what we have to do, engage and inform society about it... And everybody can join...

    What can we do during Universal Week?

    Well, there is a lot we can do. Every action taken during that week that could bring the topic closer to the bigger public is worth taking. So what could it be? Well, for example it could be something simple, like posting info about the problem at our social media account (Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, etc.). It could be some kind of social media action or online challenge related to the problem and the goal to achieve. If you can do more, you could prepare a short movie or music video regarding the problem and present it during the Week. And if you could do even something more, you could prepare a Lecture, Panel Discussion, Workshop or even a Conference regarding the problem. It would be awesome and very helpful. Remember, you don't have to do much, everything counts, but if you do more, it's (almost) always better ;)

    So, one more time: Ideas for events and more to prepare for Universal Week:
Social Media Post .:. Social Media Action .:. Online challenge for the cause .:. Movie / Music Video regarding the topic .:. Lecture .:. Panel Discussion .:. Workshop .:. Conference .:. and more... (more info soon)

    Have a great Week!

improve the world .:. q+a .:. health and aging .:. superintelligence .:. war / peace .:. (in)equality .:. inhuman problem .:. about .:. the weeks .:. panels .:. aworlds .:. challenge .:. funds .:. contact