War/Peace Problem

if enough people start believing that we can create the world without wars, inequalities, health and aging problems, evil superintelligence, etc., we can do it...

Peace Week

    The problem is as old as humanity, or maybe even older. The problem is very complex, because war means not only that people die in bombings, shootings, etc., but also they live in horrible conditions, they try to run away to some safer places, etc. The goal is to help hundreds, thousands of people that struggle for better living in war zones and eventually to make the wars go away. To achieve the goal we always have to look at different aspects: science and technology, society, governments, etc. There are several ways to help achieving that goal: local events like panel discussions, conferences, The Week...

The week happens: 1-8.01

About the week

    The Week is a special time to celebrate what we've done, think about what we have to do, engage and inform society about it... And everybody can join...

    What can we do during Peace Week?

    Well, there is a lot we can do. Every action taken during that week that could bring the topic closer to the bigger public is worth taking. So what could it be? Well, for example it could be something simple, like posting info about the problem at our social media account (Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, etc.). It could be some kind of social media action or online challenge related to the problem and the goal to achieve. If you can do more, you could prepare a short movie or music video regarding the problem and present it during the Week. And if you could do even something more, you could prepare a Lecture, Panel Discussion, Workshop or even a Conference regarding the problem. It would be awesome and very helpful. Remember, you don't have to do much, everything counts, but if you do more, it's (almost) always better ;)

    So, one more time: Ideas for events and more to prepare for Peace Week:
Social Media Post .:. Social Media Action .:. Online challenge for the cause .:. Movie / Music Video regarding the topic .:. Lecture .:. Panel Discussion .:. Workshop .:. Conference .:. and more... (more info soon)

    Have a great Week!

Read more about war / peace problem

Can we create the World without wars in next 50 years?
Can we live 1 day in peace?
Where is the limit?

article in progress

    War and Peace... - where do we stand, where can we go, how fast can we get there, why aren't we there yet, how can we get there, and do we really want to go there?


    Here you have couple of words (in progress) about searching for the World without wars. You can find here some information, some ideas, some philosophical (or semi-philosophical) thoughts, etc..
    So let's start with something simple...
    People live... people differ... people fight...
    But what if it didn't have to be like that? What if...?
    The world is changing and maybe there might become a day when people stop fighting in wars. Maybe there is something we could do to make it happen faster and become more permanent...
    And that's where the questions start... and there's where we start...

where do we stand?

    So at first, if you want to know the basics regarding war and peace, you might want to read these articles from Wikipedia:

- List of ongoing armed conflicts
- Outline of War
- War
- List of Wars by death toll
- Religious War
- Philosophy of War
- Principles of War
- Law of War
- Declaration of War
- War crime
- List of War crimes
- Effects of War
- Genocides in history
- List of genocides by death toll
- Geneva Conventions

and two last ones:

- Peace
- International Day of Peace

where can we go?

    Well, there is a possibility of more wars to come and another world war, and there is a possibility of lowering the amount of wars happening every single second.
    As you probably already know, there are different reasons for wars, and different outcomes. Therefore, there are different ways to take in order to stop different types of wars and to ameliorate conditions of innocent people who suffer from these wars.

    It seems that one of the most important things, while thinking about stopping wars, is precise understanding of 'players' in the war - those who benefit from the conflict, those who would benefit from cease of fire. And one way to stop the given war would be to find a way to make all 'players' gain something from cease of fire. To learn how to start working with this, you could read more from journals like: Conflict Management and Peace Science.
    It's important to uderstand that, if the conflict is already there, cease of fire probably won't happen by night, and to learn to live with the fact that sometimes we won't be able to stop fights fast enough to prevent people from dying during that conflict. Nevertheless, it's worth to try helping as many people as possible.

    More info soon...

    And that's it. This article is still in progress and more info will come soon. Now you know a bit more (probably) about wars and peace...
    So, once again, what do you think about this question:

Can we create World without wars in next 50 years?

    Share your thoughts regarding this questions with others.
    And if you want to find out more about research and ideas regarding war and peace and to find out what other people think in the matter, go to the Panel Discussion (or prepare one), read, ask scientists or do whatever you do when you want to get an answer to the question you find interesting.

The rule of 33 and the 33 day challenge for peace

    Beside that big thinking about influencing world’ politics, here is (maybe a little naive, but still) a way to start making more peace in the world.

    Start with simple question to people you meet:

Would you like to live in the world without wars, only with peace?

    People will probably say: “it’s impossible”, “it’s wishful thinking”, etc., but don’t get discouraged. Just ask for a simple answer.

    They might go with: “I would like it, just like I’d like to fly, go to the Mars or win in a lottery”.

    It’s because for some it’s really hard to believe it’s possible. And there is a good reason for that - because it’s kind of hard to create that world without wars, but we have to start somewhere and we can start/join the cause today with simple statement that we would actually like it.

    You may tell the people you ask that if they decide they would like a world like this, there would be at least two of you (twice as more as there were before they’ve joined you), and ask them if they could try finding one more person to answer the question as you will also try to do it.

    And you can show them the math and a rule of 33 and a 33 day challenge, that goes like this:

The rule of 33

1) 1 + 1 = 2 (and now there is two of you)
2) 2 * 2 = 4 (and if both of you ask one more person each to join, there is 4)
3) 4 * 2 = 8
4) 8 * 2 = 16
5) 16 * 2 = 32
6) 32 * 2 = 64
7) 64 * 2 = 128
8) 128 * 2 = 256
9) 256 * 2 = 512
10) 512 * 2 = 1 024 (around 1 000)
11) 1 000 * 2 = 2 000
12) 2 000 * 2 = 4 000
13) 4 000 * 2 = 8 000
14) 8 000 * 2 = 16 000
15) 16 000 * 2 = 32 000
16) 32 000 * 2 = 64 000
17) 64 000 * 2 = 128 000
18) 128 000 * 2 = 256 000
19) 256 000 * 2 = 512 000
20) 512 000 * 2 = 1 024 000 (around 1 million)
21) 1 000 000 * 2 = 2 000 000
22) 2 000 000 * 2 = 4 000 000
23) 4 000 000 * 2 = 8 000 000
24) 8 000 000 * 2 = 16 000 000
25) 16 000 000 * 2 = 32 000 000
26) 32 000 000 * 2 = 64 000 000
27) 64 000 000 * 2 = 128 000 000
28) 128 000 000 * 2 = 256 000 000
29) 256 000 000 * 2 = 512 000 000
30) 512 000 000 * 2 = 1 024 000 000 (around 1 billion)
31) 1 000 000 000 * 2 = 2 000 000 000
32) 2 000 000 000 * 2 = 4 000 000 000
33) 4 000 000 000 * 2 = 8 000 000 000 (and that is more than there is people on Earth)

    And that is the rule of 33.

    This means that You would have to convince only 33 people to join your cause to actually make a huge difference in the world. Oh yes, and of course every one of them would have to convince (only) 33 other people. And that is the first step.

    And you could make a challenge of it. It would be the one month challenge.

The one month (the 33 day) challenge

    Convince only 1 new person a day for the next month to join your cause of making the world a better place without wars. And convince that person to join the challenge for his/her 33 days.

    And you will only be two days before the world peace (well, not exactly, but for the sake of this challenge, let’s say you will).

    Then, convince another two more people for the next two days (assuming a month is 31 days) and conclude your 33 day challenge.

    And thus - change the world!

    And that’s it.

What next? The work to done the day after.

    So yes - it could take only one month, but is it possible/probable that it could actually impact the world? Well, we need to figure out some other things to make it more probable.

    For example, there is a lot of points of views that need to be considered, because different people would like peace on their terms.

    Some may want to hold on to their land or get back their lands or hold on to their money or get more money so they had at least as much as their neighbors, etc. And there is this whole process.

    That is where we start with our questions:
- how could we do it,
- what would have to change,
- what could you change,
- etc.

    It won’t be easy, but still - remember, you only need to reach 33 people. They just need to reach 33 other people each, etc.

    Wish you/us all the best, and let’s hope there will be time when the peace will come for everyone.

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